Our MissioN

Astar Services, we specialize in restoring the beauty of residential homes and commercial buildings through our professional pressure washing services. Dirt, grime, mold, and mildew can accumulate on your property’s exterior over time, affecting its appearance and potentially causing damage. Our house and building washing services use safe, effective techniques to clean and protect your property, leaving it looking fresh and well-maintained.


Your home is one of your biggest investments, and keeping it clean is key to maintaining its value and curb appeal. At Astar Services, we offer house washing solutions tailored to your home’s specific needs. We use soft washing techniques for delicate surfaces like siding, stucco, and brick, ensuring a deep clean without causing any damage.


  • Our House Washing Services Include:
  • Siding Cleaning: Removes dirt, algae, and mold buildup from vinyl, brick, or wood siding.
  • Roof Washing: Safely cleans away moss, algae, and debris to extend the life of your roof.
  • Patio & Deck Cleaning: Refresh your outdoor spaces by removing mildew, grime, and stains.


Estimated Pricing: Single-Story Homes: Starting at $200 Multi-Story Homes: Starting at $300 Roof Washing: Starting at $250 Patio & Deck Cleaning: Starting at $150


A clean and well-maintained building creates a positive impression on customers, tenants, and employees. Our commercial building washing services are designed to handle larger properties and tougher stains, including pollution, graffiti, and heavy grime. We clean a variety of surfaces such as brick, metal, stucco, and glass, ensuring that your building’s exterior looks professional and inviting.

Our Building Washing Services Include:

  • Exterior Building Washing: Remove dirt, pollutants, and discoloration from exterior surfaces.
  • Facade & Window Cleaning: Clean your building’s facade and windows to enhance its appearance.
  • Graffiti Removal: Erase unsightly graffiti from your property’s walls and surfaces.

Estimated Pricing: Small Commercial Buildings: Starting at $300 Large Commercial Buildings: Starting at $500 Graffiti Removal: Starting at $150 per affected area Window Cleaning: Starting at $100 for small buildings, $200+ for larger structures